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Card System Activation

This note describes the procedures for activating the system (i.e going live). It assumes that you have installed the VAC and the readers (i.e everything is bolted on and connected up). It also assumes that the readers have the correct DIP switches settings, which set the machine type (Washer or Dryer) and machine number (See the DIP Switch setting guide for details)

The general procedure for setting up and launching the system involves:

  1. Activating the VAC and readers, if not activated
  2. Setting vend prices, if not set to desired amount
  3. Verifying communication between critical components.
  4. Running a couple of test transaction

1. Power On all equipment

Ensure that the reader screen lights up. In the VAC, ensure that all LEDs for Power, Internet, Payment, and App on the main computer board are green (it may take 1-2 minutes for system to boot).

Also ensure that the PINpad display lights up, if you are using a PINpad.

2. Activate the readers and VAC

Ask Mitech if the readers and VAC are already activated. If they are not, you need to activate each reader and VAC using the Activation card. See the Activation card section in CMS for more details.

3. Set vend prices

You may need to set vend prices. This is done using the Price card. See the Price card section of the CMS documentation for more details.

4. Verify reader Connectivity

Check that the Machines are visible on the LaundroPortal.

5. Run test transactions

To test functionality around the VAC, load value onto a user card by making actual payment (Cash and/or Debit/Credit). Ensure that the new balance on the card is correct and that you can see this transaction record in the LaundroPortal (login at, click your location ID, and click VAC Data -Today in the Report Quick Links pane). Below is an example:

To test functionality around the reader, start a machine using either a User card or Service card. The machine should start and you should see this transaction record in the LaundroPortal (login at, click your location ID, and click reader Data -Today in the Report Quick Links pane).

system_activation/card.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/29 18:10 by maxish